Communications and information technology is rapidly grows and provides a major influence on people's lives. The rapid development of information technology is currently supported by the importance of the need for information. It can be seen from the development of today's internet network is rapidly increasing. Informations that transmitted is not meant for everyone. Along with the development of these technologies, security threats becomes more and more powerful, particularly for the undisclosed information. Various threats in cyberspace such as hacker, cracker, carder makes people worry about the security of the information they sends. This concern that make the development of information hiding techniques. One of the well known information hiding technique is steganography. In general, steganography means a technique and art of hiding a fact to communicate. By using steganography, secret message can be inserted into an unsuspicious information and send it without being aware of the existence of the secret message. There are several criteria that must be considered in steganography is fidelity, robustness, and recovery. Fidelity means that stegomedium quality has not changed much due to the insertion. The changes can not be perceived by the senses.
Keywords: computer answer sheet, smart scanning techniques, image preprocessing, scanline, computer answer sheet correction
Teknologi komunikasi dan informasi berkembang dengan sangat pesat dan memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap kehidupan manusia. Cepatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini didukung dengan pentingnya kebutuhan akan mendapatkan informasi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari berkembangnya jaringan internet saat ini yang semakin pesat. Informasi yang dikirimkan tidak hanya informasi untuk semua orang. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi tersebut, ancaman terhadap keamanan informasi yang dibutuhkan semakin besar, terutama untuk informasi yang dirahasiakan tersebut. Berbagai ancaman di dunia maya seperti hacker, cracker, carder membuat orang khawatir akan keamanan informasi yang dikirimnya. Kekhawatiran inilah yang membuat berkembangnya teknik penyembunyian informasi yang akan dikirimkan. Teknik penyembunyian informasi yang cukup terkenal adalah steganografi.
Peneliti: Harianto Antonio
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