Tanjungpura University of Engineering Faculty Pontianak particular use SIAKAD applications in the academic process. Applications SIAKAD facilitate students to perform academic process as a process of inputting LIRS, LIHS, transcript Value and others. This application is to help students because the students no longer bothered to write all the subjects as in the old system but simply by selecting options from the application. The system was developed to complement SIAKAD application is to use the trigger. Trigger serves as the command function of data duplication. Any data that is entered either by students or faculty the trigger will make a backup copy of the database. Trigger requires a system to be able to access the database residing on a different server by using Federated Storage Engine. Federated Storage Engine to be a bridge that connects to the database backup trigger. Each event occurs Insert, Update and Delete the backup database trigger will access through the Federated Storage Engine executes the same event on the backup database.Trigger tested with black-box method, the test results when doing Insert, Update and Delete the trigger is executed and the process the same on the backup database.
Keyword: Information System, Ttrigger, Federated Storage Engine
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Peneliti: Dedianto
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