Severe acute respiratory infection (ISPA) is a group of acute and heterogen diseased that caused by various kind of causes and can affect every location long te respiratory canal. ISPA is one of the main cause from the increasing of mortality number and illness number for todler and baby in Indonesia. However that including in ISPA is influenza, sinusithis, faringithis, laringithis, bronchitis adan pneumonia. A type from the using of computer technology in medical world is expert system. Expert system is a system that used to help the patient or users to get the information abaout a desease with doing the consultation with that system. Knowledge from an expert in this case a doctor will formulated into a system by using a method. The method that involving in this system is a fuzzy logic method. By using the diagnose for severe acute respiratory infection from the expert system it can give the information to users like the name of desease that happened to patient and the solution that can be done to the prevention. According to the testing of the system to user, system can give the result that suitable with the condition of user. But, it only happen according to the rules or determindtion that has been inputed into system. This expert system is not actually can change all over the expert ability, but hoped that in the future this system can be develoved in order to get the better result.
Keywords: expert system, fuzzy logic, severe acuterespiratory infection (ISPA), rules
Menurut WHO dalam Permatasari (2009:8) mengemukakan bahwa infeksi saluran pernafasan akut (ISPA) merupakan sekelompok penyakit kompleks dan heterogen yang disebabkan oleh berbagai penyebab dan dapat mengenai setiap lokasi di sepanjang saluran nafas. ISPA merupakan salah satu penyebab utama dari tingginya angka kematian dan angka kesakitan pada balita dan bayi di Indonesia. Secara klinis ISPA adalah suatu tanda dan gejala akut akibat infeksi yang terjadi di setiap bagian saluran pernafasan dan berlangsung tidak lebih dari 14 hari. Adapun yang termasuk ISPA adalah influenza, sinusitis, faringitis, trakeitis, bronkhitis akut, brokhiolitis dan pneumonia.
Peneliti: Eriz Pramuditya Wiweka
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