Rural electric distribution program is one of the steps that taken by the PT. PLN to divide the electricity to all the remote areas in Indonesia. Rural electrification program was also conducted in the area Sintang, so that all rural areas in Sintang can be electrified. In rural electric distribution we calculated the group of villages that should become a list of priorities. Determination of the villages should be prioritized based on several indicators, namely indicators of the number of potential customers, power demand, power demand projections, as well as the distance to the village which will supply power to villages. Mapping and geographic distribution of management power is needed to map the distribution of village with rural electric into a form of spatial data, and analysis needed in the process of determining the priority of rural electric distribution. This research aims to map and manage the distribution of electricity in villages Sintang into spatial data and analyze it so it can produce a priority list of villages in the rural electric widening. Analysis of composite prioritization is done by using PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and the analysis of Clustering to reduce the variables / indicators determining priorities and grouping the results of PCA analysis that can determine the priority of the village. This system can manage tabular and spatial data of rural electric that exist in Sintang, and display them in the form of maps (spatial data). The system can analyze and generate electricity distribution priorities based on rural electric in the selected villages. The priority result of rural electric is calculated based on indicators of potential customers, power demand, power demand projections and also the distance to rural electric in the selected villages , as well as priority by all indicators (composite) are displayed in tabular and spatial data.
Keywords: rural electric, mapping, spatial data, analysis, PCA, clustering, composite, reduction, indicators, identification, priority
Energi listrik sebagai sumber kehidupan masyarakat, mempunyai fungsi sebagai penerangan dan sumber energi dalam segala bentuk usaha dan aktifitas sehari-hari, oleh karena itu listrik sudah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan pokok bagi masyarakat dalam melaksanakan segala bentuk aktifitas operasional dalam pengendalian sarana komunikasi, informasi, maupun kegiatan rumah tangga. Saat ini rasio elektrifikasi masih sekitar 75%, dan masih 25% lagi rumah tangga di seluruh Indonesia yang belum teraliri listrik (Obor News, 4 Desember 2012).[1] Daerah yang belum teraliri listrik tersebut sebagian besar berada di daerah pedalaman (desa) di seluruh Indonesia, termasuk juga desa-desa yang berada di daerah provinsi Kalimantan Barat. PT. PLN sudah menyiapkan beberapa konsep dan program untuk mewujudkan 100% daerah di seluruh Indonesia sudah teraliri listrik tahun 2020 (Analisa, 2012), salah satunya dengan menyiapkan program Lisdes (listrik desa) yang akan memfasilitasi kebutuhan listrik di daerah pedesaan yang belum teraliri listrik.
Peneliti: Deassy Kartika Kresna
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