The role of information is increasingly needed to support an activity. In line with the development of information technology both hardware and software is rapidly increasing, then it should be an institution can take advantage of advances in information technology. One form of utilization is for the development of information systems that can support the activities of employees in making a decision. With this system, the activity of employees in an institution can be optimally and efficiently so as to increase productivity. Integrated Activity Information Systems Employee of Sahid Surakarta University is a software for data processing activities of employees and lecturer university Sahid Surakarta. Functions that any activities at the University of Sahid Surakarta both outside and inside the campus can be controlled so as to minimize conflict of schedule.
Keywords: Information Systems, Integrated Systems, Integrated Activities Information Systems
Sistem informasi aktivitas terpadu pegawai pada sebuah insitusi menjadi penting karena dapat mempermudah koordinasi antar pegawai, dapat digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan, dapat digunakan dalam penerapan kebijakan, serta pelaksanaan dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Dengan adanya sistem informasi ini, aktivitas pegawai pada suatu institusi dapat lebih optimal dan efisien sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas.
Peneliti: Riskyanto Pangemanan
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