
Jurnal: Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Geografis Sumber Daya Air Kalimantan Barat Berbasis Web

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Jurnal: Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Geografis Sumber Daya Air Kalimantan Barat Berbasis Web


The need for water is increasing along with the increase in population and requiring diverse needs of water resources in large quantities, such as industrial, irrigation, energy, and in all aspects of human life. It is obviously increase the pressure on the water supply for various needs and increase the conflict potential between sectors, so the water needs of each sector should be established, and the water distribution network should be constructed broadly. As one of the water resources, the potential contained in the water can benefit or harm to human life, livelihoods and the environment. One of the harm caused by the water potential are flood and erosion (coastal erosion). Flood and erosion can bring a huge negative impact to the citizen such as damaged public facilities and infrastructure, environmental damage and narrowing of the land. West Borneo province is one of among provinces in Indonesia which are vulnerable flooding during the rainy season. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is feature of the information systems added or spatial data and analysis that expected can help the user to perform spatial analysis. The method used to calculate flood discharge is hydrological analysis. The test results show that the system can help the government in processing the water resources data and display it in a form of geographic information. 

Keywords: water resources, geographic information systems, flooding, hydrological analysis 


Sumber Daya Air menurut Undang Undang No 7 tahun 2004 adalah air, sumber air dan daya air yang terkandung didalamnya. Kebutuhan air makin meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan ragam kebutuhan yang menuntut sumber daya air dalam jumlah banyak, baik untuk rumah tangga, industri, irigasi, energi, dan berbagai aspek kehidupan lainnya, sedangkan pemanfaatan air untuk berbagai penggunaan cenderung melebihi persediaan air yang ada dan belum terintegrasi dengan upaya konservasi air. Hal ini makin memberikan tekanan terhadap ketersediaan sumber daya air untuk berbagai penggunaan dan berdampak pada meningkatnya potensi konflik antarsektor. Untuk mengalokasikan dan mendistribusikan air secara proporsional dan mengurangi konflik antar sektor pengguna air, kebutuhan air setiap sektor harus ditetapkan, dan jaringan distribusi air harus dibangun secara luas. 

Peneliti: Tjam Bui Liat 

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Jurnal: Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Geografis Sumber Daya Air Kalimantan Barat Berbasis Web

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