With the growing Information Facility and the increasing needs of global communications, so that the necessary knowledge about information technology facilities. The system information is very useful because it can provide more efficient and attractive. Company Profile is a general term used to publish to an institution, schools, agencies, and even someone's profile, and others. Company profiles are created aims to convey the things that need to be published to the public in the form of a CD interactive. So we took the initiative to create a final project titled "Profile of SMA Negeri 3 Klaten as a means of Multimedia-based information" to provide a profile of three high schools in Klaten to the public in general, and especially to the entire family of three large high schools in Klaten, and in addition SMAN 3 Klaten not yet have an interactive CD to demonstrate what it SMAN 3 Klaten.
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini telah turut membantu manusia dalam memasuki tata peradaban baru di era teknologi yang diciptakan untuk memperingan beban dalam keseharian aktifitas manusia. Seiring perkembangan zaman media penyajian informasi juga semakin beragam dan kompleks.
Peneliti: Windi Wisaksono
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