Eligibility The selection process is usually uses by the client Head of Investment and Marketing Maalwat Baitul-Tamwil (BMT) Mujahidin Pontianak still manually so that the client needs to consider whether or not feasible given the financing. Therefore built a Decision Support System (DSS) to solve the problem. The method used in this system is a method of Tsukamoto Fuzzy Inference System. System built to make the process of selecting provision of financing based on criteria set by the Head of Investment and Marketing Maalwat Baitul-Tamwil (BMT) Mujahidin Pontianak. Criteria on the system used as the basis for survey activities, each of which is given the weight of each criterion then be calculated with the method of Tsukamoto Fuzzy Inference System to get the end result that determine the feasibility of a prospective customer financing funding recipients. Systems designed, tested using black-box method and User Acceptance Test. Results of tests performed to solve the problem of selecting the system with a faster process because the calculations performed by the system. In addition the system is built to add new criteria and their detailed criteria that can be used for a longer time. Then from the results of testing the questionnaire respondents stated that most of the applications that are built to assist in determining the feasibility of providing financing.
Keywords: Feasibility Financing, Questionnaire, Black-Box, User Acceptance Test, Fuzzy Inference System, Method Tsukamoto, Decision Support System
Perkembangan perekonomian yang semakin kompleks tentunya membutuhkan ketersediaan dan peran serta lembaga keuangan. Kebijakan moneter dan perbankan merupakan bagian dari kebijakan ekonomi yang diarahkan untuk mencapai sasaran pembangunan. Oleh sebab itu peranan perbankan dalam suatu negara sangat penting. Tidak ada suatu negara yang hidup tanpa memanfaatkan lembaga keuangan. Lembaga keuangan perbankan merupakan lembaga keuangan yang bertugas menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dan menyalurkan kembali ke masyarakat guna memenuhi kebutuhan dana bagi pihak yang membutuhkan, baik untuk kegiatan produktif maupun konsumtif, sehingga ekonomi masyarakat akan lebih baik. Semakin maraknya sektor moneter ditingkat ekonomi bawah maka lembaga keuangan mengalami perkembangan. Ini terbukti tumbuhnya lembaga permodalan keuangan bagi masyarakat yang mayoritas pengusaha kecil atau mikro yang disebut dengan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM).
Peneliti: Romi Yuniardi
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