Mobile Learning ( M - Learning ) is the learning by using mobile devices, regardless of time and place. M-Learning has the constraint that M-Learning users must connect to the internet to be able to get the learning content . With the Android device, that could be implanted a native application inside, allowing the M - Learning content stored on the device . This study examines how the native application can be developed with Personal Extreme Programming method. In addition , this study reinforces previous research that E-Learning can be expanded ability to be M-Learning. As an outcome of this study is a MLearning application that utilizes E-Learning that has existed , in which M - Learning applications that have some capability of E - Learning that capture and store content on mobile devices , so that the content is not required to access the internet connection .
Keywords : M-Learning, Android, Personal Extreme Programming
Teknologi perangkat bergerak yang sudah sedemikian cepat perkembangannya dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan, salah satu contohnya adalah pada bidang pendidikan. Penggunaan perangkat bergerak dalam aktivitas pembelajaran disebut dengan MLearning. M-Learning dianggap sebagai suplemen untuk E-Learning tradisional dimana mobilitas adalah nilai tambah bagi para peserta didik. Data kursus atau perkuliahan dapat dimanfaatkan sehingga tidak perlu membuat sistem M-Learning terpisah dari E-Learning.
Peneliti: Hidayat Rizal
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