In the widespread research study using the Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) will be more effective than other tools. Where information technology has an important role in human activity. Can be seen from the awareness of the role of information technology is increasingly widespread in a variety of human activities to the whole society as well as in education. But at this time of learning for the children yet to be implemented in early childhood early childhood in West Kalimantan are still manual is with other people who are called intermediary or intermediaries teaching writing and drawing in the book so that the learning process is sometimes very tedious and inefficient. According to a survey conducted in 30 children and the active role of the parents who accompany the respondents said that children are more likely to be happy playing than learning. Thus the design of the program was made based multimedia learning application for early childhood in order to assist in facilitating the delivery of learning while playing compared to oral delivery tailored to aspects that exist in the CAI. Where CAI are also many different forms dependent skill learning designers and developers, can be shaped the game (games), teach abstract concepts are then dikonkritkan in the form of audio-visual and animated. Once the software design is complete then tested by the method of User Acceptance Test (UAT). The test results have shown that the learning program can be used as an alternative in understanding learning education.
Keywords: Computer assisted instruction (CAI), multimedia, educational learning
Pendidikan merupakan proses interaksi yang mendorong terjadinya belajar. UNESCO mengemukakan dua prinsip yang relevan pertama, pendidikan harus diletakkan pada empat pilar yaitu belajar mengetahui (learning to know), belajar melakukan (learning to do), belajar untuk hidup bersama (learning to live together), dan belajar menjadi diri sendiri( learning to be), kedua belajar untuk seumur hidup (life long learning) (Mulyasa, 2006:5).
Peneliti: Israini Halidah
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