Computer Answer Sheet is a form for a special paper that will be processed by a computer and scanner. The fact is that the existing scanner Computer Answer Sheet is not flexible, it is intended that its use is only for one type of academic tests, such as examples of the type A scanner, can only be used for Answer Sheet type A. Computer Answer Sheet Image Scanner Application Usage with Smart Scan technique based on the basis of the resulting image on the scanner scanning. This application can be used on all types of machines and all kinds of scanner with a particular configuration. Smart Scan technology utilization in applications designed to use some process that can produce the output of the correction. The process consists of scanning, image processing with image preprocessing and recognition area with scanline method. The scanning process is done by physical transformation Answer Sheet into the form of a digital image. This image will be used as input to the application and will be processed using image preprocessing. Preprocessing results in the form of a binary image will be used further in the process of introducing area with scanline method. Scanline method is basically a way of introduction points/dots to process the object’s entire surface by scanning the image horizontally and vertically to produce the output of characters that can be stored in the database. Based on the resulting database matching answers with the answer key can be done to produce the output of the value of the correction. This study indicate that the design of computer answer sheet image scanner application with smart scanning techniques can be corrected the Answer Sheet with 94.5% success rate and the application is considered successful.
Keywords: computer answer sheet, smart scanning techniques, image preprocessing, scanline, computer answer sheet correction
Teknologi informasi saat ini terus berkembang pesat termasuk pada ilmu pengolahan citra. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi pada ilmu pengolahan citra tersebut, perkembangan teknologi piranti keras juga mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Salah satu piranti keras tersebut adalah alat pemindai (scanner). Berdasarkan Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia (Poerwadarminta, 1986) terdapat kata pindai yang bermakna “memandang dan melihat baik-baik”. Dari kata pindai dapat dibentuk kata memindai, sedangkan prosesnya disebut pemindaian. Hasil memindai disebut pindaian. Kata pindaian inilah yang dapat dipadankan dengan kata scanning. Jika demikan, pengertian scanner lebih diarahkan kepada alat elektronik yang berfungsi untuk memindai
Peneliti: Ermundari
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