The Development of Management Information Systems of Final Assignment (TA)/ Final Project (PA)/ Thesis (Skripsi) at the Department of Electronics Engineering FT UNP aims to assist the management of TA / PA / Skripsi and provides a web-based database for TA / PA / Skripsi that already list into the Department of Electronics Engineering . During this time , the management of TA / PA / Skripsi carried out manually using a computer and can not be accessed online by the stakeholders . This system is designed to facilitate the selection of titles by KaProdi and Penasehat Akademik , guidance between lecturers and students , besides helping in the administration documentation TA / PA / Skripsi . This information system using the PHP programming language and MySQL database . This final project discusses the design method Context Diagram , DFD and ERD . System Management TA / PA / thesis can be used to manage the information from the title that has been proposed and in finalization , online tutoring , scheduling , administrative guidance and printing assignment letters online.
Keywords: Information, Management, FinalAssignment (TA) , Final Project (TA), Thesis (Skripsi), PHP, MySQL
Tugas Akhir, Proyek Akhir atau Skripsi merupakan persyaratan untuk mendapatkan gelar Sarjana (S1) atau Diploma (D3) disetiap Perguruan Tinggi baik Negeri maupun Swasta yang ada di Indonesia. Pengelolaan Tugas Akhir (TA), Proyek Akhir (PA) dan Skripsi ini melibatkan beberapa komponen, mulai dari Mahasiswa, Pembimbing Akademik, Ketua Program Studi, Ketua Jurusan, Pembimbing (TA/PA/Skripsi) dan Administrasi Jurusan.
Peneliti: Jonneva Verius
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