PSIM is a professional football club based in Jogja. So far, in conveying information to the public PSIM uses the offline system through Media Officer and print media such as a banner. Presentation by using existing media for this time is limited in the public interest to obtain information on PSIM. Print media is limited to the text and images, so look less attractive attention in exploring the existing information, then the compiler will try to apply multimedia applications as a additional information media in disseminating information which will be packaged as a CD Interactive and Kiosk Informasi that contain information about PSIM. Applications that will be applied is the application of Interactive Multimedia which in use, the user can interact with application as a director who determines the direction of application. Besides, the application to be developed is dynamic nature which information presented can be updated via a XML file that is directly connected with that application.
Keywords : Multimedia, XML, Interactive CD, Kiosk Informasi
Perkembangan teknologi di dunia saat ini sangat pesat, seakan batas antara ruang dan waktu tidak menjadi penghalang dalam memberikan informasi. Salah satu alternatif yang di tawarkan teknologi saat ini yaitu menggunakan sarana multimedia dalam memberikan informasi. Multimedia menawarkan nilai yang lebih seperti teks, gambar, animasi, suara, bahkan video dalam menyampaikan informasi. Bahkan pengguna bisa berinteraksi dengan aplikasi secara dua arah dengan adanya teknologi Multimedia Interaktif.
Peneliti: Safar Ibrahim
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