After the government issued policy conversion kerosene to LPG gas, many home fires occur in result due to leakage of LPG gas. This is because a lot of gas cylinders that have been damaged and installation errors. The development of digital technologies provides solutions in an early warning system in case of gas leaks and fires. This system uses two sensors to alert, there is smoke detector sensor for the detection of fires and TGS2610 sensor for LPG gas leaks. Danger signs of the sensor will send a unique SMS to the user’s mobile. This system uses a microcontroller ATMega8535 to manage all activities of the assembled systems, and interface with sensors that have been installed.
Keywords: fire warning system and LPG gas leaks using SMS-based Microcontroller ATmega8535
Perkembangan teknologi telah mendorong dengan pesat kemajuan perkembangan dunia elektronika khususnya dunia mikroelektronika. Dengan adanya penemuan silikon maka bidang ini telah memberikan sumbangan yang amat berharga bagi perkembangan teknologi modern. Atmel sebagai salah satu vendor yang mengembangkan dan memasarkan produk mikroelektronika telah menjadi suatu teknologi standar bagi para desainer sistem elektronika masa sekarang.
Peneliti: Rohmat Fauzi Isan Despha, Zuda Eka Novianta Pramuda Wardana
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