Humans currently confronted with machines, robots and electronic equipment is increasingly sophisticated and complex it takes a special ability to control it. Therefore, an interfacing that is used to control the equipment with ease badly needed by humans. In this final project will describe on the application that was built to control a robot arm based ATMega8535 using JAVATM programming language that can run on various platforms including mobile phones. The shooting went system consists of two units of interdependent systems and can’t be walked alone desktop applications and the system is a robotic arm. On this desktop application running on the java virtual machine on a computer that has a DB-9 serial connector, then this application will pass data through cables connected to this connector and a robotic arm. so that the robot has become the second system will move in accordance with commands sent within the data by users. The results of this project showed that the control of robots, especially robotic arm with interfacing using java is much more effective and easier. because users only need to use a mouse or keyboard to run it and also because the controlling application built using java language so this application can run without having to think about compatibility of a specific operating system already installed java runtime environment. In future development side of controlling the application may be passed in the Internet network so that it can be used, although from a very far distance, anywhere and can be used with mobile devices though.
Keywords - JNI, JAVA, Robot Arm, ATMega8535, Serial communication
Perkembangan industri menuntut penggunaan alat bantu yang dapat mengoptimal-kan sumber-sumber daya (resources) yang ada agar dapat bersaing di pasar bebas. Robot merupakan salah satu alat bantu yang dalam kondisi tertentu sangat diperlukan dalam industri. Terdapat kondisi-kondisi tertentu dalam industri yang tidak mungkin ditangani oleh manusia seperti kebutuhan akan akurasi yang tinggi, tenaga yang besar, kecepatan yang tinggi atau resiko yang tinggi. Keadaan-keadaan ini dapat diatasi dengan penggunaan robot.
Peneliti: Masykuri Syaifullah
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