Lung cancer is leading cause of death in the cancer group. In general, lung cancer has some symptoms, but at an early stage, symptoms are not perceived by the patient. As a result, when patients go to hospital, lung cancer has been diagnosed in middle or high stage. For early detection of lung cancer, necessary a decision support system based on computerized technology that can be utilized by doctor needed to detection lung cancer. The clinical decision support system will help to determine specific medical treatment. The clinical decision support system capable to know data input and produce output result by learning process. The learning process is part of process in artificial neural network (ANN). Many methods used in ANN as Backpropagation (BP)learning algorithm. BP used to produce output result in decision support system.
Keywords: lung cancer, stage, clinical decision support systems, neural network, multilayer perceptron, backpropagation algorithm
Kanker paru-paru merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian dalam kelompok kanker. Secara umum, kanker paru memiliki sejumlah gejala, antara lain: batuk terus-menerus, nyeri dada, batuk darah, napas tersengal-sengal, serak, berat badan menurun, dan selalu merasa letih. Pada stadium awal, gejala-gejala ini sering tidak dirasakan oleh penderita, akibatnya ketika penderita pergi ke rumah sakit dan kemudian penyakit terdiagnosis, penyakit kanker paru itu sudah berada dalam stadium menengah atau akhir.
Peneliti: R. Kurniawan dan S. Hartati
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