In this era of globalization, many people are familiar with computerized world. One form of information or the introduction of a line of business can be done by using the website. In this final group of us will make the website as a supporter of information or the introduction of a line of business of the White House Profesional Digital Audio Recording enganged in the music studio for recording. Maybe with a website that we made, to facilitate in providing information or the introduction of this recording studios to consumers, especially the fans of music. In the applications we make are not only using software but rather one of several software, including XAMPP, PHP, Dreamweaver, etc.
Kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi yang berkembang pada saat ini, membantu manusia dalam memenuhi tata peradaban baru di era teknologi yang diciptakan untuk meringankan beban aktifitas sehari-hari. Komputer tidak hanya digunakan sebagai mesin ketik elektronik, melainkan sudah digunakan untuk meningkatkan produktifitas kerja dan usaha.
Peneliti: Angki Septiawan
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