The School library is a facility supporting the proccessof teaching and learning activities are very useful to develop the knowledge and insight for the students. By Maximizing the function of the scholl library is expected too bost knowledge and insights that have studentsin the school environment. School library functions can be maximized by utilizing computer technology to build a system of computerized library information more effectively and efisience in the process of service to the students and library staff as well as for those who have an interest and related to the school library. In this tugas akhir the author will conduct an analysis of the library system that has owned (library information system of based JAVA) by the SMA N 1 Cilacap. Then from the results of the analysis has been done then the author will develop a system of computerized library information with the aim of providing services to members of the library and library facilities for the conduct staff recording process data library book circulation.
Keywords : Information System, Library Information System, computerized
Pada perpustakaan SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap saat ini masih melakukan proses peminjaman dan pengembalian buku yang dilakukan secara manual. Dengan demikian banyak terjadi kesalahan dalam pembuatan laporan. Siswa juga banyak dirugikan waktunya untuk meminjam dan mengembalikan buku karena petugas harus mencatat dan mengoreksi data buku yang dipinjam oleh siswa sehingga banyak terjadi antrian.
Peneliti: Ryan Maydianza, Anggar Rahardhika
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