In connection with the development today, that many companies are manufacturing companies that are developing with fierce competition. the company was growing because of the factors that exist today. perkembanganya one is the development of computer and information technology. in a company, both companies both large and small companies. Computer is one of the supporting information systems that are currently needed for decision making so that the company is more developed. Therefore we took the title "Information Systems Computerized Data Collection Based On Goods Manufacturing Company ANGGU ROTTAN" as our final project. With the aim of developing a computerized system at the company ANGGUN ROTTAN. Because the company is still using manua system weaknesses and there are still less efficient in today's developments. sehigga we propose a program with the aim to facilitate the company ANGGUN ROTTAN the data collection of existing data on the company.
Persaingan yang terjadi saat ini antar perusahaan manufaktur semakin berkembang pesat seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang ada dalam dunia usaha. Persaingan tersebut terjadi dengan maksud untuk mencapai suatu target, agar menjadi suatu perusahaan yang tetap eksis. Untuk menjadikan suatu perusahaan agar terus maju diperlukan suatu informasi yang akurat, cepat, tepat dan up to date tentang segala hal yang dibutuhkan perusahaan tersebut. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas suatu perusahaan. Informasi yang terpenting dalam suatu usaha adalah informasi mengenai bagaimana pengolahan data yang ada dalam perusahaan serta laporan datanya.
Peneliti: Birgita Panca Indriarini, Umi Safiatun, Nur Hidayati
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