A new era of business and organization, is submitted in accordance with the introduction of information technologies and information systems, that is, how well the non-profit organization or non-profit tries to use computer-aided tools, applications, and telecommunications infrastructure to improve performance significantly. Achievements in the field of science and information technology was coverage of the world community today. Because this part of the world community, we certainly do not want to miss information technology and the developing world. There are many ways that can be taken to determine the processes that occur. One way is to use the computer as a tool for processing data and information. In addition, Don dealer pulsa Tronic company engaged in electrical impulses that are still experiencing.
Keywords : information technologies, information systems, processing data and information
Kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi yang berkembang dengan cepat ini turut membantu manusia dalam memenuhi tata peradaban baru di era teknologi yang diciptakan untuk meringankan beban aktifitas sehari - hari. Komputer tidak hanya digunakan sebagai mesin ketik elektronik, melainkan sudah digunakan untuk meningkatkan produktifitas kerja dan usaha.
Peneliti: Oky Satiagraha
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