Development of science and technology in this modern era of increasingly rapid. Media delivery of information is one factor in the success or failure of that information to the user. Media used should be interesting and interactive as well as title or web address you use must be consistent so that users do not get bored and tired when the information is searchable and readable.Adobe Dreamweaver CS 3 is a software application that offers an interactive and interesting shapes for use as a medium of information delivery. Such development can help human beings in order to enter a new civilization in this era of technology that created man himself to help ease the routine activities of daily living. The use of technology by humans of course be balanced with the demands of adaptability as a user (the user). A logical consequence of the adoption of superior technology is the creation of an information technology advances in the field of general science, which utilizes technology that efficient and effective processing of resources and the quality and completeness of the facts in the form of news or information. Why do the necessary site for the company's website?Especially for those who are open to public employment, and has a marketplace of products that extends almost all the major cities.
Keyword : Web based Information System
Perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi di era modern ini semakin pesat dan telah menjadi komponen yang sangat penting bagi keberhasilan bisnis dan organisasi. Media penyampaian informasi merupakan salah satu factor penentu dalam sukses tidaknya informasi itu sampai pada user. Media yang digunakan harus menarik dan interaktif dan juga judul dan alamat web yang digunakan harus konsekwen agar user tidak bosan dan jenuh ketika informasi itu dicari dan dibaca.
Peneliti: Intan Angelica Riadiani
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