A website should be able to present information that can be accessed by the public. Because much information yet published and known to the general public. The author makes this website aims to introduce Kopma UGM to the data in it can be accessed and recognized by the public. Interview method used for data collection in the making of this web. Database on the web is dynamic (can be updated). This web can be in use by the public or by staff of existing organizations in Kopma UGM. After completing this application, we realized that many lack that we have encountered in the systems we create and application that we made have covered all the needs and solve problems in the express from our guest speaker.
Keyword: Designing and making a website
Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berkembang cukup pesat dan menghasilkan inovasi-inovasi baru yang senantiasa terus berubah kearah yang lebih baik. Salah satu bidang pengetahuan yang berkembang sangat pesat dan trend saat ini adalah dunia internet.
Peneliti: Dede Sugianto
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