Trash is a byproduct of manusian sehai-day activities. Every day there is always a waste dumped by everyone. Rubbish piled up is the source of this smell that gives bad effects for the region surrounding areas such as housing, shopping, recreation and others. Garbage from various sources can pollute the environment, like a terrestrial environment, air, and waters. Burning waste often occurs at the source and location of collection especially if there is delay in the transport process causing where capacity is exceeded. While the smoke generated from burning is potential to cause nuisance to the surrounding environment. The aim of the research is to improve Sleman District BAPPEDAs performance efficiency in handling the distribution of garbage, so that it can cope with floods that will caused by rubbish. With existence of accurate data, which not only text data, but also supported with spatial data (spatial) in order to improve the speed in terms of making decisions based on the analysis resulting from problems occurring field, such as improving the monitoring of waste in terms of information distribution which is currently running. Conclusion of this research is the Geographic Information System Distribution to Tackle Flood Trash. Where the system is able visualize the location of the distribution of points between the beginning and the trash that has been There, the transport line garbage bins display photos, store baksampah development and application of data capable of processing (change, add and delete) existing data.
Sampah merupakan hasil sampingan dari kegiatan manusia sehari-hari. Setiap hari slalu ada sampah yang dibuang oleh setiap orang. Permaslahan sampah dapat berkaitan dengan nilai kerukunan. Orang yang sering membuang sampah di sekitar tempat tinggalnya dan mencemari lingkungan dapat menimbulkan ketidaksenangan tetangganya. Hal yang demikian ini dapat menimbulkan keretakan hubungan antara tetangga. Kondisi yang demikian perlu di ubah agar terjadi hal yang sebaliknya, yakni dapat semakin meningkatkan kerukunan.
Peneliti: Ni Made Rizki Waroka Setiawati
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