Currently the development of mobile telephone supports GPRS (General Packet Radio service) and java technology is increasingly rapidly. Java application has been widely used on mobile as activity supporting everyday, one of which is used to facilitate communication in the navigation and display information that is geographically. The final assignment is made the application of geographic information system using mobile J2ME in order to make it easy for the user to display a map with the data loaded on-line.
Keywords: Java, J2ME, geographic information systems
Teknologi komunikasi bergerak khususnya teknologi komunikasi seluler yang berupa handphone telah menciptakan sebuah perubahan besar dalam dunia komunikasi.Perkembangan yang pesat dari perangkat teknologi ini telah memunculkan beragam fungsi baru selain fungsi utamanya sebagai sebuah alat komunikasi.Selain itu handphonepun sudah memasyarakat, karena handphone dapat diperoleh dengan mudah dan relatif murah.
Peneliti: Nora Nurmartya Grafidth
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