Laundry is a service business service businesses that are thriving behind this, especially on the area which many students there are boarding places. Which tends to busy lifestyles with solid schedule and high mobility, making the community more emphasis in terms of practicality, including their need for clean clothes. Along with the development of communication technology and information systems today, then the more technology that can be utilized in everyday life. One is the use of technology, short message service or SMS (Short Messaging Service). SMS is widely used by the public because it is practical, inexpensive, and efficient means to convey information. Seeing this, hence made an application with SMS Laundry service information gateway using PHP. Given this sisitem customers can either order laundry simply by sending an SMS. So that customers do not have to bother coming into the outlet just to melaundry Laundry clothes. This system can be used as a means of promotion, competition and improving the quality of business services.
Keywords: SMS, order, laundry
Short Message Service (SMS) telah menjadi suatu tren bahkan gaya hidup baru tersendiri saat ini. Dimana saja dapat dijumpai orang yang tengah asik memainkan jari pada telepon seluler mereka, untuk menuliskan pesan singkat atau dikenal dengan istilah SMS. SMS adalah sebuah teknologi yang memungkinkan untuk menerima maupun mengirim pesan antar telepon seluler. Teknologi ini pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1992 di Eropa oleh ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute).
Peneliti: Peem Marliana Deviyanti
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