Along with the speed of technological development increasing rapidly, it also increases the ease and facilities that support the human in all activities including work and the fulfillment of his duties. Multimedia applications are increasingly developed by alternative software development in the computer world. Multimedia is a combination of animation, images, text and sound. Multimedia authoring tools and software needed support. Authoring tools are software used in the development of various multimedia applications, including cartoon film making it self. While supporting software used to complement the multimedia applications in addition to multimedia applications become more attractive. The use of multimedia applications such as in the manufacture of two-dimensional cartoon animation requires the use of images to be used as an animation with text and song. In this scientific writing, multimedia applications are made is in the form of "Various Kinds of Sunnah Prayers”. Where are Cartoons two dimensions has been designed using Macromedia Flash 8 authoring tool useful for improving cognitive behavior of children. Cognitive behavior is behavior in which individuals build or shape the beliefs and attitudes about the world around him and he means to process and react to incoming information or the receipt of. With two-dimensional cartoon is intended that children can know that the sunnah prayers, many kinds and purposes. And is expected to be embedded in the cognitive behavior self-children. Thus the compiler to package in the form of two-dimensional animated cartoons that were served with the information as interesting as possible so easy to understand and be understood.
Key word : animation two dimension
Sejalan dengan berkembangnya teknologi dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan sekarang ini,turut membantu manusia terutama dibidang teknologi informasi. Perkembangan pola pikir manusia yang senantiasa berubah ditunjang dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi dapat menghasilkan inovasi-inovasi yang lebih baik. Dengan teknologi informasi khususya teknologi informasi berbasis multimedia diharapkan bisa memberikan peranan penting dalam proses penyaluran informasi. Sehingga dapat diterima oleh berbagai macam kalangan masyarakat. Tak ketinggalan dalam bidang pendidikan baik formal maupun non formal. Berdasarkan uraian diatas maka penulis mengambil judul “RANCANG BANGUN ANIMASI 2D MACAM-MACAM SHALAT SUNNAH SEBAGAI MEDIA MENINGKATKAN PRILAKU KOGNITIF ANAK MENGGUNAKAN MACROMEDIA FLASH 8”.
Peneliti: Ugi Sugiana
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