Toserba WS as a company engaged in the field of disposal. Requires extensive publicity to the public. Because without the extensive publicity the society will not know the existence of the company. To support the wide publicity to the public or the general public there should be a good publicity tool. Technological developments now enable the means publikasi better. Considering this company is engaged in disposal. And the publications to the public or the general public need as interesting as possible. In order to attract public ettention, a multimedia company based profile is suitable, other interesting result, publications with ease delivery of multimedia information to the public. Therefore, we as students are involved in the world of information to try to implement science writer get as much as possible to cry ti create a “The Company Profile of Toserba WS Swalayan Jl. Kaliurang base on Interaktif Multimedia” .
Key Word : The Company base on Interaktif Multimedia
Dengan kemajuan teknologi yang semakin pesat, maka meningkat pula kebutuhan dan fasilitas-fasilitas yang mendukung manusia dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugasnya. Aplikasi multimedia merupakan salah satu bagian dari teknologi komputer saat ini, yang semakin dikembangkan oleh para pengembang software dalam dunia komputer.
Peneliti: Amik Riyanti
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