Science and technology always advancing dynamically, one of the many technological developments are the result of a computer. Computer as a tool for people who have such excess speed, accuracy, and efficiency in data processing as compared with manual systems. Processing data into information system is urgently needed from the advantages that exist on the computer. Computers have penetrated in various segments, both in the working world and education world that do not directly have created a very tight competition between the schools with each other. So that technological developments should also be followed by managers of education institutions. In educational institutions, always require a system for collecting, managing, storing, reviewing and distributing information. One is the presence of data processing teachers and employees, such as employee administration, finance or payroll, and so forth. Presence of data processing is one function of the activities of civil administration in providing services to teachers and employees, and meet every demand information, the presence of both the system administrator can always solve problems that occur, and can produce fast and accurate information.
Keywords : Information, information systems presence
Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi selalu mengalami perkembangan secara dinamis, salah satu dari sekian banyak hasil perkembangan teknologi adalah komputer. Komputer sebagai alat bantu manusia yang memiliki kelebihan diantaranya kecepatan, keakuratan, serta keefisienan dalam pengolahan data dibandingkan dengan sistem manual. Pengolahan data menjadi sistem informasi inilah yang sangat dibutuhkan dari kelebihan-kelebihan yang ada pada komputer.
Peneliti: Fauziah
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