Yogyakarta is one of the area known by the slogan "City of Students". Many people outside the java jogja outside even send their children here. Not with the exception of children who have physical limitations. Away from the big downtown avis Extraordinary School. Though in some areas there are also some children who have physical keterbatasa want to get an education like other children. Even they are not rare to send their children especially in Yogyakarta in Java because they want their children get good education facilities. Geographic Information Systems is one of the current information systems into a very precise tool to store, manipulate, analyze and display the return of natural conditions with the help of attribute data and spatial data. Destination utilizing web-based GIS that parents of prospective students can search by school location interactively, so that schools are expected to provide information on the city of Yogyakarta to all communities in all corners of the world in a timely, accurate and comprehensive.
Keywords: SLB, GIS, Yogyakarta
Perkembangan teknologi telah merambah di semua aspek kehidupan. Teknologi telah banyak membantu manusia, dan komputer merupakan alat bantu yang memberikan informasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan. Berkembangnya teknologi informasi di bidang geografis, informasi dapat ditampilkan dengan lebih baik dan lebih cepat lewat komputer. Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) merupakan salah satu sistem informasi yang saat ini menjadi alat bantu yang sangat tepat. Sistem informasi geografis mempunyai beberapa kemampuan antara lain dapat memasukkan, mengupdate, menyimpan, menampilkan, mengelola dan menganalisis data geografi serta menghasilkan keluaran data geografi dalam bentuk- bentuk peta tematik, tabel, grafik, laporan dan lainnya dalam bentuk hardcopy maupun softcopy.
Peneliti: Asnida Noor Sholihaty
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