The development of the Internet on today has progressed very rapidly, and become a useful and important things for the community. This is due to that in the Internet world, information can be provided to communities worldwide and not limited by time. And to convey that information in the Internet world known a medium to put that information online is the web. With the increasing human resources, need to be followed by accretion of information on job vacancies from a variety of media information. Added information necessary to include all available information and facilitate in obtaining necessary information. Of the various media of information that is one of them is through Internet. At present almost in all fields require the Internet as a source of information, making use of the Internet has become an important necessity for all levels of society. The designing of vacancy information system based on web / online job advertising that contains various information on job vacancies in particular, is one an alternative for workers to seek employment vacancies. Web-based job advertising system to participate by providing all the information needed, so it can become a media meeting place for job providers who are not constrained by time and cost The main function of the system is web-based job information is to accommodate advertising placed by both job seekers and job providers that can be accessed / viewed by anyone at any time. So through the online job advertising this job providers and job seekers can place ads with far more detail, because by using the internet media, advertising costs can be done for free and not limited by space and time. So who places ads can provide the conditions and the information as detailed as possible and long term, depending on by advertisers, and wider coverage.
Keywords: internet, web, job vacancies,job seekers, job providers, advertising
Perkembangan internet pada jaman sekarang sudah mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat, dan menjadi suatu hal yang berguna dan penting bagi masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan bahwa di dunia internet, informasi dapat disediakan untuk masyarakat seluruh dunia dan tidak dibatasi oleh waktu. Dan untuk menyampaikan informasi tersebut di dunia internet dikenal suatu media untuk meletakkan informasi tersebut secara online yaitu web. Selain sebagai sarana penyaji informasi, seiring dengan perkembangan jaman yang sangat cepat dan pesat, web juga biasanya digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai media untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas seperti e-commerce, e-learning, online transaction, online advertising, dan lain sebagainya.
Peneliti: Bambang Yudiawan
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