Nowadays, floods are familiar around us. Many of the efforts taken to overcome the flood disaster. Dam water has several doors that function as water channels opening and closing for the stream and keep the flow of water. Ups and downs of water discharge can’t be predicted accurately, and so we need human to always control the height of discharge water will be used as reference in determining the height of open canal door. In terms of controlling the human role becomes very important. When humans make mistakes in control, then open the door heights are not in accordance with the height of the canal water discharge, resulting in an unstable water flow. The authors combine to realize the automation of canal water effectively and efficiently, in preparing the final chance with the title "Design Of Canal Water Control System Prototype Using Microcontroller AT8535". How the tools we've created is when the water discharge increases, then the floodgates will open wider automatically adjusts to the height of discharge water. At the time of discharge of water has decreased, the height of the door will automatically narrows.
Keywords: Water Canal, Automation, Microcontroller
Sistem kendali secara otomatis di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi belakangan ini berkembangan dengan pesat. Dengan adanya kemajuan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi menghasilkan inovasi baru yang berkembang menuju lebih baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat jangkauan aplikasinya mulai dari rumah tangga hingga peralatan yang canggih.
Peneliti: Rudy Hermawan, Dzulfikar Akmaludin
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