Internet network is a media that can be used in a variety of functions ranging from information search, media, promotions, online stores, can even be used as the control PCs. Internet network has an advantage that they can use anywhere in the world with access connections using 3G or HSDPA. But for now only limited use of internet access is very little use of the software used to control the PC hardware. This application has advantage of monitoring the condition of the house that is accessed in real time and besides the user interface using the visual display provides convinence for users. This facility is not owned by the controlling SMS. Application are to be contructed is designed to facilitate home owners to turn on or turn off the lights and is eqquiped with monitoring tool housing conditions and detection of movement. This application is designed to give home owners to monitor homes while away. Motion-detection feature will send a message to the user when the camera detects a movement.
Keywords: control, ellectrical household, website
Peralatan untuk pengendalian perangkat jarak jauh semakin banyak ragamnya mulai dari penggunaan frekuensi FM, VHF ataupun melaui website. Media website sebagai pengendalian melalui website sampai saat ini masih sedikit pemanfatannya. Penggunaan media website untuk kendali PC mempunyai keunggulan yaitu dapat diakses dimana saja asalkan terdapat sambungan internet dengan kecepatan yang memadai.
Peneliti: Teguh Sulistyanta
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