Intranet is a network of workstations with a local scale without connected to the Internet, while the samba is a set of applications that communicate with Server Massage Block protocol (SMB). SMB is the data communication protocol that provides file and printer sharing and other tasks associated with network. Thesis contains intranet network design for learning at Sahid University in Surakarta, using open source software. This research is limited only to the side of applying the samba server in the server for sharing files in order to optimize the learning system on the USS. In this samba server user can have a folder on the samba server. Each user also can log on to domain through the computer any windows that are important in a network. The process of authentication and authorization provided by the samba server as a domain controller in that domain. This research uses experimental methods in which the writer tries to design a network built on the intranet for learning where teachers could USS distribute materials, substances or value assignment to the students without having to directly face to face. To download a user can enter the application programs run on windows or go into explore menu typing in the address samba server address and the destination for uploading user can use Total Commander application. Sharing a folder so can be done on the Linux operating system and Windows so the two operating systems can communicate with each other to enhance our learning in the USS.
Keywords: Domain Controller, Download, Intranet, Samba, Server Massage Block (SMB), upload, Total Commander
Kemajuan dan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin canggih dengan perkembangannya yang semakin cepat, membantu manusia memenuhi kebutuhan akan informasi komunikasi yang sangat penting bagi manusia. Teknologi informasi yang berkembang sangat pesat diantaranya dalam bidang sistem operasi pada sebuah jaringan komputer. Sistem operasi adalah sebuah sistem yang diperlukan untuk dapat menjalankan semua aplikasi program atau software yang ada di komputer, sedangkan jaringan komputer adalah sekelompok komputer yang saling berhubungan satu sama lain dengan memanfaatkan media komunikasi dan suatu protokol komunikasi, sehingga antar komputer dapat saling berbagi dan bertukar informasi.
Peneliti: Muhammad Arya Priasatama Putra
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