Information needs are important for all walks of life. Including people who need detailed information about all types of service in the Department of Education Youth and Sports (Dikpora) DIY Province. During this time, Dikpora DIY Province still use traditional media in terms of delivering information to the public. This final project aims to design and create interactive information service systems based e-kiosk with information on installation utilizing the data available. Benefits of this system is as a media receiver and transmitter of information in a structured, consistent and dynamic in one package, as well as service differentiation strategy for Dikpora. The methodology used was started with the identification and analysis of information needs through observation, interviews, library research and documentation as raw material content of the e-kiosk system. Identify needs and design the system with the structure of multimedia information systems. Implementation of system designs using Adobe flash CS3 (ActionScript), PHP, and MySQL database. All multimedia files and data information from a MySQL database will falled by flash application via the web. Web contains Dikpora agenda includes DIY Province meeting information, competitions, and agenda. Dikpora agenda information are dynamic flash applications because it can be updated every day.
Keywords: e-kiosk, Dikpora, flash, web, database
Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi yang perkembangannya begitu cepat secara tidak langsung mengharuskan manusia untuk menggunakannya dalam segala aktivitas. Termasuk diantaranya menggantikan sistem manual menjadi otomatis. Sampai saat ini Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga (Dikpora) Provinsi DIY masih menggunakan sistem manual yakni dalam melayani pengunjung untuk mengarahkan lokasi bagian tujuan. Hal ini mengakibatkan kegiatan operasional pegawai yang terbengkalai untuk menjelaskan sistematika karena ketiadaan costumer service. Pengembangan
Peneliti: Tikaridha Hardiani
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