The information system should be able to nurture a high performance and able to give a good image to keep winning the competition in order to get a bigger market and more particularly the level of consumer satisfaction can be improved. In this study, the authors take a place at one of the toy business for children and educational learning tools which are located in Yogyakarta. The reason for making the location because, according to a toy boy as a business writer in the field of children's toys and educational media tool that does not yet have a website so the information still seems slow and ineffective. Based on the above problem description, writer take the title of this thesis is DESIGNING E-COMMERCE ON THE LITTLE TOY SHOP ONLINE YOGYAKARTA. For the smooth conduct of work in proposing a program using Dreamwever Adobe CS3 software, the program is a web design application program based on windows and it is hoped this program will support the performance of online toy store boy faster and more effectively.
Keyword : Educational, Shop Online
Dengan lahirnya dan pesatnya perkembangan dari internet menjadi salah satu infrastruktur komunikasi yang termurah dan dengan tingkat penerimaan yang luas, maka penggunaan internet sebagai fasilitas pendukung dan bahkan sebagai urat nadi bisnis menjadi semakin nyata keunggulannya. Salah satu tren yang menyertai bisnis dalam jaringan internet adalah e-commerce baik business-to- customer maupun busines-to-business. Dengan membawa keunggulan internet seperti pelayanan 24 jam, akses dari segala penjuru dengan biaya yang relatif murah dan kemudahan-kemudahan lainnya, maka tidaklah mengherankan jika sekarang banyak organisasi bisnis yang merambah ke dalam e-commerce.
Peneliti: Evans Fuad
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