Wireless network is a network that is open and spacious, giving rise to several problems such as how to get internet access and optimize the use of a voucher system on the network Futari. Net, so the owner can increase turnover without huge costs. With the user manager makes it easier to create a voucher for create client’s user id and password. Research on the design and implementation of Internet-connected WLAN on Futari.net with Voucher System performed using the method of direct observation and interviews done at the study site is in Futari.net. This study also uses the method of literature, namely the collection of data by reading based on the literature which is intended to get the theoretical concepts of the problem under study and seek sources of data on the internet and library. And experimental methods, namely data collection practices by carrying out directly against the object to obtain accurate data. User Manger helps in creating a user id and password automatically, generate a user id and different password to access the hotspot during the active period and quota validity of the voucher.
Keywords: Computer Networks, Local Networking, Wireless Networking, User Manager, Mikrotik Router
Kebutuhan akan informasi yang semakin banyak, dibutuhkan suatu layanan internet yang sangat besar. Sedangkan ada keterbatasan hardware dalam suatu warnet yang menyebabkan pengguna harus menunggu atau pindah ke warnet lain untuk mendapatkan informasi. Di lain pihak pengguna mempunyai peralatan mobile seperti laptop, netbook atau HP yang mempunyai perlengkapan Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) dengan pemanfaatan tempat dan owner bisa menambah omset tanpa biaya yang besar.
Peneliti: Oktavia Lestariningsih Yulia Fatma Widaninggar
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