The rapid of developments in information technology are going fase. We are required to follow these developments. One of the fast growing technology is telecommunications technology. So the business in this field is having a good potential. For example, sales pulse is one of them that have closely related in telecommunications technology’s field. But as we saw among a community the business sales was growing conventionally. And it have several weaknesses and shortcomings. Among of them are limitations of time, coverage area, and the number of required human resources. This closely related to the source of income or revenue from business that run them. By leveraging existing information technology (SMS), the author tries to give an opportunity to open a business in the sales field pulse centrally via SMS. By using SMS, is expected to increase the efficiency of time, place, and human resources so that it would be better compared with sales in conventional system.
Keyword : SMS, tool-sales system
Perkembangan teknologi dalam dasawarsa terakhir sangatlah pesat, sehingga memicu banyak orang untuk dapat menggunakan dan memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada. Salah satu teknologi yang mengalami perkembangan cukup pesat adalah teknologi telekomunikasi, khususnya teknologi telepon seluler.
Peneliti: Donal Fenny Wibowo Arif Hardjono
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