Information that is accurate and actual badly needed by tourists who will make reservation online. Current conditions prevented constraints in the reservation process. Hotel guests do not know whether that will be used for overnight rooms still available or not. If done directly, mail, telephone or e-mail will result in a lot of time and cost consuming. Conditions that make an online reservation system via the Internet into a highly effective and efficient to deal with the obstacles. Departing from this, the authors design a system which presents information on hotel reservations, in this case hotel ‘GRAGE RAMAYANA JOGJA’. The research objective was to analyze the problems of the system is running as well as analyzing and designing a system that becomes the solution of these problems. The research methodologies used are: literature study, field surveys, analytical and design methods (web-based design, specification and database design process). The results achieved in this research is to solve the problem at the front office operations, especially in parts of the reservation with the new information system design based reservation websites. In conclusion, the proposed new system is capable of handling problems in the reservation process online.
Keywords : Information systems, Hotel reservation, Booking rooms, Web applications
Grage Ramayana merupakan salah satu Hotel Bintang Dua yang tergolong baru berlokasi di Kota Yogyakarta dan sudah sangat tentu memerlukan suatu sistem pengelolaan proses reservasi perhotelan. Selama ini pemesanan dilakukan oleh customer yang datang langsung atau melalui media telepon. Permasalahan juga muncul, koordinasi antara pihak Hotel Grage Ramayana dan Hotel Grage Jogja dalam satu managemen yang masih tergolong kurang sistematis.
Peneliti: Nurfan Bagus Prihantoro
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