Making e-commerce website is a very important role to facilitate buyers and customers in obtaining information about the goods they want to search without having to leave the house, which makes users more convenient to make purchases and are looking for product search. The things that led the authors to be interested in doing some research to build a website design that supports e-commerce in order to benefit effectively and efficiently for Ki Tjermo Sutarjo Home Industry, so that the author chose the title : MAKING E-COMMERCE WEB FOR SELLING “WAYANG KULIT” PRODUCTION KI TJERMO SUTARDJO HOME INDUSTRI.
Keywords: E-commerce, website, puppet, Ki Tjermo Sutardjo
Secara umum Elektronic Commerce (E-Commerce) menggambarkan cakupan luas mengenai teknologi, proses, dan praktek yang dapat melakukan transaksi bisnis tanpa menggunakan kertas sebagai sarana mekanisme transaksi dari berbagai sarana dan prasarana yang ada dan ditunjang dengan berbagai penunjang teknologi informasi khususnya e-commerce, maka semakin meningkat pula kemudahan dan informasi sebagai pendukung manusia dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugasnya secara efektif.
Peneliti: Septiar Alif Saputro, Tirsa Ninia Lina
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