It is not a strange thing that multimedia can increase the quality of competition. Multimedia can increase the interest by the attractive appearance, through the completion of media of both audio and video. The making of Wonosari I State Elementary School’s profile in multimedia basic is aimed to help the school on marketing and as a promotion tools. The reason is the Wonosari I State Elementary School does not have the attractive media promotion yet. In the past, Wonosari I State Elementary School only uses leaflet, brochure, and pamphlet as the promotion media. However, in fact Wonosari I State Elementary School is more qualified than the others, and it is the oldest elementary school in Gunungkidul. Besides, Wonosari I State Elementary School is the first elementary school in Gunungkidul which get the title of International Standardized School Pioneer (RSBI). This Wonosari I State Elementary School’s profile is made in the video profile form, and it is used as the media of promotion which will be shown in the presentation. This video profile shows the general profile of Wonosari I State Elementary School including vision and mission, the history of the establishment of Wonosari I State Elementary School in short, buildings, facilities, curriculum, teaching and learning process in class, extracurricular, headmaster, teachers and staffs, students, school, students, and teacher achievements.
Keywords: multimedia, video profile, promotion
Saat ini teknologi komputer sudah tidak asing lagi. Komputer banyak digunakan di instansi dan rumah tangga. Namun demikian, banyak instansi yang belum memanfaatkan komputer sebagai media promosi secara maksimal.
Peneliti: Ade Nilasari Alwi.M., Anang Feriyanto
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