General description of this game is designed so that users can be entertained after the play, in this game the player must complete a different challenge every level, by creating a random cell images into a perfect picture. In the education puzzle games require intelligence or logic to complete the game. Besides, there are examples that can simplify the original image to create puzzle players. In addition there are also examples of material that the image must be heard because the material is very important in this game, let players not only play but also get knowledge of reproductive cells. That's the purpose the author makes the game "of learning (education)"
Keyword: Java game dengan GTGE framework
Hiburan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan utama masyarakat kita saat ini, terutama bagi manusia dengan segudang kesibukan dan aktifitas yang kerap menyita banyak waktu. Seiring dengan teknologi yang tengah berkembang pesat, masyarakat membutuhkan hiburan yang variatif mulai dari music, film hingga hiburan interaktif seperti game.
Peneliti: Fatkhul Jannah, Yeti Ekasari
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