Very supportive and technological sophistication needed to help accelerate the performance in an aducational instituation or school, as well as in teaching and learning. Computer technology has beeb widely used among others in the educational, office, industrial, tourism, entertainment, military, and almost all have applied computer technology. Interactive CD is one great way to ease the process of learning and teaching in visual form. With the CD interactive has changed the way students learn because schools are not only written material that is also through media images, text, audio (voices), animations and video that interact and integrate with one another so as to produce something more interesting and alive. Implementations of Interactive CD in visualizing this subject matter is expected to help students majoring in SMK Negeri 6 Beauty Yogyakarta to absorb the material in the teacher convey by field of study. From the discussion above, the writer is interested to present the title :Making Interactive CD as a medium of learning in the beauty department at SMK ngeri 6 Yogyakarta” in preparing the thesis. With such a title he took contained a single purpose and primary goal is to help teachers study areas in delivering course material and facilitate the absorption of students in course material. The software that is used in the manufacture of Interactive CD are: Adobe Flash CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS3, CorelDraw X3, Adobe Audition 1.5.
Keywords : Interactive CD, Intructional media
Era Globalisasi dan Teknologi Informasi (Information and Communication Technology) atau yang di singkat dengan ICT demikian deras dan meluas memasuki seluruh sektor kehidupan tak terkecuali sektor pendidikan. Kecepatan dunia berubah menuntut dan mensyaratkan kemampuan pembelajaran yang lebih cepat, efisien dan efektif. Dalam hal ini teknologi lah yang di perlukan untuk memenuhinya. Oleh karena itu teknologi pun selalu mengalami perkembangan yang begitu pesat, salah satunya adalah komputer sebagai alat bantu dalam mempermudah system pembelajaran.
Peneliti: Ike Debylita
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