In this final report, the author discusses the utilization of Net Support School Application. Authors seek to maximize the utilization of the functions of existing tools in the Support School Net Applications, not only to monitor a client monitor, there are also other functions that can be exploited through the application is for computer maintenance. The discussion starts with the installation steps Net Support School Applications for server computers and client computers. Then the author divides the functions of each of the existing tools on the Net Support School for learning, monitoring and maintenance of computers at once describe the steps used. The main purpose of exploiting the Net Support School application is for the Elementary School Teacher in Graulan can easily monitor student learning, as a function of the Net Support School is to monitor students' computers, block monitor, share files, the permissions to access the Internet, audio-visual, and also the distribution of applications that can be used by students, and also update anti-virus applications as well. Expected in terms of the usefulness of this application can improve the quality of learning and maximize function of laboratorium computer in Graulan elementary school
Keywords : Net Support School, utilization of Net Support School Application
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