Making a decision becomes a complicated process if it does not go through the correct steps and is not supported by concrete data. Moreover, it also occurs for the type of unstructured decision making. Because of this type of decision is rare and not easy to be programmed so that the decision-making process should use the fact that is supported by the valid data. One of the example in this case is the choosing of department in a university for new students. It is a complicated process and can allow them to make a mistake. Therefore, to minimize errors in choosing of department in accordance with the ability of students, it needs technology as a tool. This study takes a case study to guide new students in choosing of department at Sahid University of Surakarta. The criteria used in making of this model is based on the assumption of the author trough considering some assessment. The aim of this study is to develop a process decision-making model by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Choice tool (EC) Professional 9.0.
Keywords: choose, department, decision making, students, AHP
Para siswa SMA kelas 3 setelah menghadapi Ujian Nasional (UN) banyak yang masih bingung dalam menentukan di mana mereka akan melanjutkan studi ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi. Di setiap Perguruan Tinggi (PT) juga banyak menawarkan jurusan yang beragam. Apabila siswa belum memiliki kesiapan yang matang dan belum mengatahui bakat dan minat yang mantap maka dapat menyebabkan siswa tersebut kebingungan dalam menentukan pilihan jurusan di PT. Para siswa biasanya akan mencari informasi PT lewat pamflet, brosur, iklan maupun langung datang ke PT tersebut. Hal ini kemungkinan belum memuaskan mereka dalam menentukan pilihan dan banyak membuang waktu.
Peneliti: Dwi Retnoningsih
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