Music is one of the entertainment at this point is still loved by all aspects of society, be it from the top, middle and lower ranks. Music created by human beings have different aims and objectives contained therein, including the music used as a medium of delivering education, criticism, humor, nationalism and so forth. From time to time, adjust the music created with the technology that existed at that time. Lots of interest in the community who want to pursue music as a profession, but they were constrained in the economy. This is because the process of making music that does not require cost less, be it to buy equipment or personnel who operate them. From this problem so a system that is easy to make music started thinking. How to make music by just using a personal computer and one software only and without having to buy a musical instrument which is very expensive. Given this very simple system is expected to create public interest in music became more increases.
Keywords : Music, MIDI, Fruity Loops
Musik adalah salah satu media hiburan yang pada saat ini masih tetap digemari oleh seluruh aspek masyarakat, baik itu dari kalangan atas, kalangan menengah maupun kalangan bawah. Musik itu sendiri diciptakan oleh manusia mempunyai berbagai maksud dan tujuan yang terkandung di dalamnya, diantaranya adalah musik dijadikan sebagai media penyampaian pesan moral, pendidikan, kritik, humor, nasionalisme dan lain sebagainya.
Peneliti: Muhamad Syihabuddin Yahya
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