Since the discovery of WWW or World Wide Web and the HTTP protocol (HyperText Transfer Protocol) by Tim Berners-Lee, the rapid development of Internet technology. This technology contributed exchange information quickly and efficiently. Therefore, the writing of this manuscript, the theme of the website based applications. Title of final project we've created the "Building a Web site's first Junior High School Sentolo State As a Means Of Information And Communication With The Community". Technology used, among others, using PHP as the language of programming, MySQL databases, CSS, Javascript and some other technologies that make your website a dynamic and interactive. Features such as news about the school, a photo gallery with ajax, yard staff and faculty profiles, student news, guest book, alumni, online registration and other features. Moreover, in this application is no facility for students in expressing themselves in accommodating in a container called a wall magazine .
Keyword: PHP, MySQL, AJAX, HTM
Perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini sangatlah pesat. Terutama perkembangan internet. Internet merupakan jaringan jutaan komputer yang menghubungkan jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Internet telah menjadi sarana pencarian, perdagangan, berekspresi, dan tempat untuk berbagi informasi. Internet di Indonesia sudah mulai masuk ke desa-desa. Sehingga memungkinkan informasi dapat didistribusikan secara cepat, tepat dan dapat diakses secara luas. Sehingga pendistribusian informasi dengan sistem ini cenderung lebih murah efektif dan efisien dari pada melalui media cetak ataupun media elektronik lainya.
Peneliti: Husen Efendi Bernades SigitBudi Hartono
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