In globalitation era a lot aspect in our live that using coumputer or digital. And the prospect of this bussiness very promising with the development in computer world recently. Other way to promote that common used is promoting with computer or internet. In our final task group we are gonna make a web based promotion or information media for Ranto Chrome Yogyakarta. The goal is very simple and significant for that we can promoting chrome service from Ranto Chrome so that a lot of possibility that more consumer can look what service that Ranto Chrome offered in website without having to see directly. And because having a website increasing consumers mean increasing revenue for Ranto Chrome. On the web that we created not just use one but from several software software, such as Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 to create a php script, Adobe photoshop CS4 to design images that will be used in the manufacture of such web, xampp is a software package available which include existing php and mysql. And to make the maximum web interface is mostly done not only that, for example, usage of CSS.Keyword : promotion, information, website, chrome
Perkembangan teknologi, khususnya teknologi informasi yang berbasis komputer yang awalnya dipergunakan kalangan tertentu saat ini sudah sedemikian luas dan dipakai dalam berbagai bidang, baik dibidang industri, pendidikan, pemerintahan, perbankan ataupun bisnis. Perkembangan yang luar biasa ini paling tidak memberi kesempatan pada siapa saja untuk terlibat dengan hal tersebut, yang merupakan lapangan kerja baru yang tiada terbatas.Peneliti: Hendi Budi Prasetyo
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