
Jurnal: Membangun Website Indeks Hadist Riyadus Sholihin untuk Pengguna Buta Huruf Arab

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Jurnal: Membangun Website Indeks Hadist Riyadus Sholihin untuk Pengguna Buta Huruf Arab


Today, the development of internet grows so fast, it became an information media that liked by literate students. Many kinds of information which was uploaded on the internet can be accesed anytime, so that the writer writes a thesis entitled “Build A Website Of Hadist Riyadus Sholihin Indecs For The Arabic Illiteracy User”. The writer is inspirated to write this title because there are many kinds of internet user who look for information about Hadist Riyadus Sholihin, though not all of the user able to read arabic ( illiteracy arabic ). This website will be content with hadist indecs in the form of arabic, latin letter and audio, so that the user can be easier to choose the suitable form for themselves, whether reading the letter or listening the audio. This website will be built by using script of HTML and PHP and also MySql for its database. The writer hopes that the website can give some advantages for the user who look for the Hadist Riyadus Sholihin online. 

Keywords : internet, Website, Informasi, Hadist Riyadhus Shalihin, Arabic Illiterace


Hadist adalah salah satu pedoman hidup umat muslim setelah Alquran. Hukum-hukum islam banyak diatur dalam hadist sebagai hukum yang menguatkan ayat-ayat suci Alquran. Dalam hadist berisi sabda-sabda Rasulullah yang kemudian di bukukan, sehingga banyak kaum muslim yang mencari dasar-dasar hukum berdasarkan hadist, namun hadist yang shoheh saja yang benar-benar mampu dijadikan sebagai dasar hukum.

Peneliti: Nova Nurhuda

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Jurnal: Membangun Website Indeks Hadist Riyadus Sholihin untuk Pengguna Buta Huruf Arab

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