
Jurnal: Membangun Website Aman dan Teroptimasi Search Engine Pada SMA Pancasila Kabupaten Purworejo

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Jurnal: Membangun Website Aman dan Teroptimasi Search Engine Pada SMA Pancasila Kabupaten Purworejo


Title of final project we've created the "Building a Secure and optimized Website Search Engine On SMA Pancasila Purworejo district." The technology used among others to use PHP as a programming language, MySQL databases, CSS, Javascript and some other technologies that make your website a dynamic and interactive. We are using PHP because PHP is free, easy to use, can run under many operation system (UNIX, Windows and Macintosh), can run in different web server and PHP as a side server programming is more powerfull than other side server programming because can be embedded at the HTML tag. Features include the ability to handle multiple website security threats such as SQL injection attacks, XSS (Cross Side Scripting) Attack, Spam, blind SQL injection, the website has been supported by the SEO technology and other features related to the school as news around the school and others. 

Keywords: SMA Pancasila Kabupaten Purworejo, website security, SEO technology


Teknologi internet berkembang sangat pesat saat ini. Perkembangan itu salah satu manfaatnya adalah dapat membantu kita mengetahui segala informasi yang diperlukan secara cepat. Perkembangan teknologi ini juga banyak memberikan manfaat dan kemudahan lain bagi kita, contohnya adalah kita bisa beriteraksi dengan teman tanpa harus bertatap muka langsung, membeli barang secara online, melakukan pendaftaran perguruan tinggi dan mengetahui semua kabar dunia luar hanya dengan duduk di depan layar monitor.

Peneliti: Edy Kristianto Rizky Marone 

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Jurnal: Membangun Website Aman dan Teroptimasi Search Engine Pada SMA Pancasila Kabupaten Purworejo

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