Nowadays, the development in communications technology and computers have brought major changes in the field of human life. Merging these two factors supporting these technologies can provide better information services. Along with a fairly rapid development of technology, information technology has been transformed into a need that can not be avoided anymore. This resulted to the managers or the leaders for the race to get information fast, accurate, relevant and accurate that can assist in making the right decision. Technology needs in the era of globalization, especially computer technology has resulted in the information faster, more accurate and more relevant when compared with information generated by conventional means. With developments in information technology today is very helpful in the presence of computer data processing. Computer is an appropriate data processing devices, quickly and accurately with a high level of accuracy so as to be the best alternative to meet every need of information. An agency or agencies will not achieve its goals better if not supported by management information system that is able to assist in decision making. With advances in information systems, the working efficiency of human resources itself will automatically change to be better than before.
Keywords: Information Technology, a computerized system, the system presence
Dewasa ini perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang komunikasi dan komputer telah membawa perubahan besar dalam bidang kehidupan manusia. Penggabungan kedua faktor pendukung teknologi tersebut mampu memberikan layanan informasi yang lebih baik. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang cukup pesat, teknologi informasi telah menjelma menjadi suatu kebutuhan yang tidak dapat dielakkan lagi. Hal tersebut berdampak kepada para manajer ataupun para pimpinan untuk berlomba-lomba memperoleh informasi yang cepat, tepat, relevan dan akurat yang mampu membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan yang tepat.
Peneliti: Eri Irawan
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